the best way to make loving choices—hint: it’s not what you “should” do
Release the word “should” from your vocabulary. “Shoulds” suck and lead into a story that takes you further from your deepest desires.
June Intention:
I allow my inner guidance to awaken and beautifully direct me through decision making and navigating daily life with grace and ease.
I remind you to stay present in your day, in your emotions, in your life.
Love yourself!
By putting yourself and your inner work first, you heal. Others heal. The hate and fear in the world starts to shift.
It always starts with us.
Don’t wait for another to do the work to ease your pain or your story. You do it. It’s your gift to yourself, God, Life, the Universe and all there is.
From this grounded and centered place, you will be guided to take the steps that are highest and best for all.
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