
Is it really that important to clear my upsets right away?I gained a great deal from the “breakfast reality show” I wrote about a couple weeks ago read it here, during which I consciously observed my children arguing, translated the main issues, and made affirmations...

Guidance from my Gurus: While holding a pom pom at a neighborhood soccer game: Tessa: “Can I be a cheerleader?” Me:  “Sure.” Tessa:  “So, when we are playing soccer and someone doesn’t want to do something, I can cheer them up.” ~Tessa, almost 4...

I often talk about doing our “work”—clearing out our negative patterns and limiting beliefs. We can do this in the moment of upset or after the fact. Though it can be challenging to clear our stuff in the moment, it’s certainly worth it. It may...

August Intention: Life is the curriculum through which I learn to know my True Self.  I am present in each moment to receive my lessons. If you’re truly seeking something new—a happier family, the best ways to help your kids, or a better understanding of your life’s...

Is it necessary to learn our biggest life lessons through trauma and difficulty?  No!  We can, but we don’t have to.How do I know this?  I have done both. For quite a while I believed in order to really get the lessons life had to...

July Intention: I celebrate my freedom.I am free to choose my own thoughts and feelings.I am free to be me!...

June intention: I enter the summer season feeling light and free. I balance my time and energy beautifully between all areas that are important to me....

Ever since my daughter got her ADHD diagnosis, I feel like our difficulties with her have gotten worse and worse.  Is it possible that getting the label could actually make her symptoms appear more extreme?First of all, if you think getting the diagnosis influenced her...

The sun came up and came over to me and went in my heart, and I got brighter and brighter.  That was my dream. Tessa, age 3 1/2...

All through our lives, many people feel the need to tell us who we are. We may hear, via seemingly benign everyday conversations, that another finds us funny or critical. We may be labeled lazy or extremely successful. Who’s right? Whose perception of us is...