Author: koliverconnected

I remind myself that the practice of setting intentions is powerful.This summer I focus on experiencing loving connections with family and friends, welcoming adventure and having fun!Try asking each family member to set an intention for the summer or prior to leaving for a family...

Monthly Intention:I am inspired by my children. I learn to play again—to be curious, light-hearted and free.I love listening to my kiddos during creative play. I am often in awe at their level of creativity and their ability to step out of what we call...

Guidance from my Gurus: You know what’s the trick to riding your bike without training wheels?  You have to keep pedaling. ~Andrew, age 5 ½As parents, we can choose to “keep pedaling”. The way to feel love and peace is to stay in awareness of our connection with...

So I decided to do something I’ve never done before… I’m sharing my own response to the question I posed last week with April’s intention. If you missed it, here it is again: April 2016 Intention: Gradually and gently, with grace and ease, I welcome the continued...

Monthly Intention:Gradually and gently, with grace and ease, I welcome the continued unfolding of my authentic Self.Who would you invite to dinner if you could ask anyone to join you?  Imagine for a moment, inviting the most enlightened version of your self. What advice...

Guidance from my Gurus: I can get into others’ imagination.                     ~Andrew, age 4 1/2 (When I asked him about this statement, Andrew stated that that was all he was going to say.)Remember to be mindful of your thoughts...

 March Intention:I create a bubble of love around myself. I trust Life and feel safe in all moments.As I learn more about energy centers in the body, I realize that we cannot grow and expand on our own inner journey if we don’t feel safe. I...

Guidance from my Gurus:I used to be shy Mommy, but then I just changed my mind.~Tessa, age 4 What belief are you holding onto to limit yourself?  Try changing your mind. ...

So you’re feeling triggered because your child is in the middle of a tantrum and if you don’t get shoes on and out of the house in 3 minutes, you’re whole day will be off.  Then you think, “I know this is a trigger and...